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Preclinical and clinical studies of innovative nanoformulations of anticancer drugs
In this project NanoVelos plans to carry out industrial research aimed at encapsulation of number of chemotherapeutic agents used already in a clinic into proprietary nanoparticles. Of the newly synthesized nanoformulations we will select those which will demonstrate the reduction in side effects and/or improvement of the efficacy in comparison to the free drugs. Subsequently, we will carry out the experimental development phase – clinical trials. The obtained results will be used to prepare the license offer (commercialization phase) for further development, market introduction and sale of the nanoparticle-drug combination. The encapsulation of the drugs into NanoVelos drug delivery system will improve the tumor targeting, which will result in side effects reduction and increase the patient’s survival rate.
Project Value: 14 149 772,62 zł
Funding Value: 9 781 294,89 zł
Nano-sized, polysaccharide delivery system of 5-fluorouracil in the target oncological therapy
Nano5-FU project is conducted by NanoVelos SA as consortium leader with two academic partners: Warsaw University of Technology and Medical University of Warsaw. The aim of the project is to develop, optimize and complete in vitro and in vivo studies for unique, polysaccharide NanoVelos nanoparticle with 5-fluorouracyl (5-FU), which one of the most popular chemotherapeutics. 5-FU is used i.a. in large intestine cancer therapy. Its main drawbacks are serious side effects and very short half-life time in body, approximately only 20 minutes.
The application of NanoVelos technology for targeted 5-FU therapy will allow multiple the half-life time of 5-FU. The NanoVelos nanoparticles unique mechanism of action based on active cancer cells targeting via Warburg effect utilization, and controlled drug release possible only inside cancer cells will allow to radically reduce side effects and improve 5-FU anticancer therapy efficacy.
Project Value: 1 547 377,00 zł
Funding Value: 1 282 424,00 zł
Development of new cancer therapies based on selective antitumor immunomodulators
The aim of this project is to develop a conceptually novel therapeutic approach in cancer treatment– small molecule immune-modulators to knock down the ability of tumors to escape immune surveillance. These selective inhibitors of arginine and tryptophan degrading enzymes will be developed by an interdisciplinary consortium comprising industry and academic partners performing research in areas of medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, bio-and nanotechnologies, immunology and medicine. The expected project result is a fully developed lead compound – a clinical candidate with potential therapeutic utility for a broad range of cancers. Its identification will involve parallel discovery programs targeting several related enzymes, with the use of nanoparticle drug carriers. Achieving the project goal through synergistic collaboration of innovative biotechnology companies with leading academic and clinical centres will significantly improve the international competitiveness of Polish science and biomedical industry. Should these new molecules advance through the subsequent stages of clinical trials, they could have a global social and economic impact, providing a significant Polish contribution to the rapidly growing cancer immunotherapy market. The new therapy would be potentially free of the multitude of side effects present in current cancer therapy and thus be truly patient-centred.
Project Value: 2 440 000,002 zł
Funding Value: 1 938 000,00 zł
Support for patent protection of PCT application for technology and the use of polysaccharide carriers dedicated to oncological treatment
Project Value: 241 551,60 zł
Funding Value: 166 303,61 zł

Partnering with NanoVelos SA
Our chemists are looking forward to conjugating your drug with dextran nanoparticles and making it ready for preclinical trials. Please refer to our services list to start collaborating!